The Spring Holidays are coming up – 7-11th, and 14-17th April – and the team is looking forward to welcoming you at the Cavendish school venue and Forest school on Hampstead Heath for the Spring programme. We are open from 8:30-6pm as usual


Sport with Coach Julie Nworgu: for both weeks – promoting the key components of fitness – skills, teamwork, and confidence building. From netball, handball, football and much more, they’ll develop skills, make friends, and enjoy friendly competition in a fun, safe and supportive environment.
 Art in the afternoon with Jo Miller: 7-11th VIBRANTLY coloured FLOWERS in gouache on BLACK watercolour paper, and extending this with the older children with BETTY BLAYTON-TAYLOR-like abstract ‘watercolours’ using wax crayon and water soaked tissue paper on paper – making use of the colour seepage!  MATISSE CUT-OUTS focussing on the positive/negative spaces that the cutting leaves you with. We will use a theme and create graphic  paper ‘reflections’ & shadows’  SAILING BOATS using corks and lolly sticks with a colourful sail to make miniature boats that actually glide on water.  Mimicking the ancient technique of enamel and wire in ceramic called CLOISONNÉ. Relief designs in WIRE on card, filling in the spaces with colourful paint/varnish.
 Drama with Jonas Moore – 7-11th storytelling and fun! We will adventure through stories, bringing the pages to life through tableau, soundscapes and movement, using their creative skills to turn text into theatre, and creating scenarios without text. We aim for a sense of play in a space where there are no wrong answers and imagination is key.
Dance sessions with Tara Linney – 7-9th We are giving our brains a rest and getting into our bodies! Balance, flexibility, strength, posture, agility and stamina are all present in this session – who would know when you’re having this much fun!
Skateboarding with London Skate Club –  Mon 7th and 14th join Jonathan and Santiago for a nurturing beginners experience up to advanced – confident ramps, tricks and flips 4:15-5:15pm
 Inquisitive animation workshop with London Lens Project 14-17th – 7-12s ‘Animation’ sessions 1:30-3:30 with London Lens Project
Cooking sessions (cold!) with Josephine Smith – 14-17th MondayBiscuits and flapjacks, TuesdayMini pizzas, WednesdayFruit tarts, ThursdayAloo Gobi, to take home if it isn’t eaten first!
Art with Delia Swayne – 14-17th Making masks, stacking and threading sculptures, wax resist paper birds and eggs (patter amd colour based work), and collage robots.
Afternoons and break times: Making dens, dressing up, percussion instruments, board games, book corner, Lego, role play/imaginative games, and playground time!


To encourage reading over the holidays we have a ‘book box’ at the gate for swapping books for all ages – please take advantage of this!

Our staff this week will include: Kate Palmer, Isabella Sullivan, Esther Fletcher, Muna Nour, Karimah Begum, Tamanna Rahman, Dean Sullivan, Ryan Pluck, Saffi Topolsky, Leke Akinyemi, and assistants. Rachel Williams is the Deputy Manager.

If you are having a Spring clear out we will be collecting childrens clothing etc donations for the local Camden branch of the charity Little village

BOOK HERE Next camp after Spring holiday is Summer 14 July-15 August 2025:
Cavendish school venue and Hampstead Heath Forest school. We are open from 8:30-6pm as usual

Terms and Conditions apply, and we reserve the right to change venue or any part of the programme to best accommodate the children’s needs. Current COVID-19 Govt guidance will apply.

Our Outdoor FOREST SCHOOL is an inspirational alternative learning experience which takes
place on a regular basis outdoors in natural settings and across all seasons

  • Different activities each holiday
  • How lucky are we to have parks so close by! We go exploring the natural environment in these green spaces: den/shelter building, making hot chocolate in Kelly kettles, team games and making friends, nature crafts, getting muddy, and having a great adventure
  • Outdoor kitchen cooking, learning to make fires safely, and cooking delicious camp fire food
  • Waterproof, outdoor jacket, trousers and boots essential –as are long sleeves, hat or cap and sun screen in Summer.
  • Find out more about Forest School ethos here

*Booking Forest School for the full week is recommended as each session is linked. Prices and dates

*We reserve the right to change the programme

Sample Timetable for the creative/sporty daycamp

*Our basic timetable (‘clubs’ are extra to this)

8.30 – EARLY BIRD Activities include: Art, Games/puzzles, Percussion instruments, Books, Den-building
10-10.30 – WARM UP/WELCOME
10.30-11.10 – Music or Drama/Dance or Sport – Wash hands for snack
11.10-11.30 – SNACK TIME
11.30-12.10 – Music or Drama/Dance or Sport
12.15-12.50 – Music or Drama/Dance or Sport–Wash hands for lunch/Morning-only pickup time
13.00-13.45 – LUNCH
13.45-14.45 – Art/Craft – Sport/Games – Den-building – Storytelling etc
14.50-15.50 – Art/Craft – Sport/Games – Den-building – Story telling– Gather up belongings for Home time/Wash hands for snack
16.00-16.15 – SNACK/Extended day Reviewing the day, Art/Crafts, Games, Books, Den-building
18.00 – HOMETIME

*We reserve the right to changes in the staff/programme